Meet Our Team
We are a team of caring professionals with passion to empower young people to achieve positive life outcomes.
Our volunteers are driven by lived experience combined with skills that promotes equal opportunities for all.

Alice - Founder
An advocate for equal opportunity, a practitioner who has a great blend of career and personal experience. Alice is passionate about making a positive difference in young people's lives. Worked in the private and public sector including the banking sector, education, youth justice and community work. Alice is a parent-teen relationship expert, health, safety and well-being champion. Proficient training and workshop facilitator with great passion to provide children and young people with maximum opportunity to develop and reach their full potentials. Alice is passionate about designing high-impact programmes and pioneering focused early intervention framework.
Sam - Head of Mentoring
An expert of International Security, Peace and Conflict Resolution. Sam has extensive knowledge and experience of working with at risk young people who are from the background of abuse, neglect, LAC, and young people who have had contacts with the justice system providing systematic support that promotes safety, resilience and social values. Sam develops and contributes to effective youth work strategies, training and facilitating capacity building exercise for staff working with 'at risk' young people, foster carers, parents, young people on probation, family group workers and ensuring a joined-up response to reduce the risk of harm to children and young people. Sam is passionate about empowering young people with positive behaviour management techniques, supporting transition in foster care placements, leaving care, school transition and custodial mentoring. Sam has received recognition and awards for his contributions to youth and community work.

Toyin - Director
A committed Educator, Mentoring co-ordinator, Management and Leadership experience in community and youth work. Toyin provides ongoing support to families and partners with parents and young people at incredibly challenging time. Toyin is our Director of Learnings and Development, a researcher in the field of psychology, evaluating service delivery and impact assessment.
Hilma - Director
Fondly called Helen by all young people, worked for several years within Children and Families services. A retired Professional Nurse and Social Worker who has worked with various Councils, NHS Hospitals and Private Agencies. Presently a School Governor at a prominent local school, a Chairperson of the Friends of a local School Group with the passion to support services working to bring communities together. Helen is our Director of Safeguarding, passionate about child protection and safeguarding children, supporting and empowering vulnerable individuals to embrace opportunities that will help them reach their full potential.

Marcelina - Counselor
A qualified person-centred counsellor since 2015 and a co-founder of De Butterfly CIC. Passionate about people's emotional well-being with work experience in healthcare settings and charity organisations.
Daniel - Multi-sports Coach
A qualified multi-sport coach with the Manchester Metropolitan University

Hadijat - Operations Manager

Dylan -Youth Project Worker
Youth Champion lead, passionate about sports, supporting Outreach mentoring, youth club sessions and After school provisions.